We thank Cressida Forester, Psy.D. for compiling this list of multi/cross-cultural psychotherapy and supervision readings. We welcome submissions of articles for consideration: RedwoodPsychAssoc@gmail.com
“Racial melancholia, racial dissociation: On the social and psychic lives of Asian Americans” (2018) by Eng and Han
Burnes, T. R and Manese, J. E. (2016) Cases in multicultural clinical supervision.
Hardy, K. V. & Bobes, T. (2016). Culturally sensitive supervision and training: Diverse perspectives and practical applications. NY, NY: Routledge.
Hays, P. (2016). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis and therapy. (3rd ed., pp.39-60). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Hook, J. N., Davis, D., Owens, J. and DeBlaere, C. (2017). Cultural humility: Engaging diverse identities in therapy. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Kim, A. S., and Del Prado, A. (2019) It’s time to talk (and listen). New Harbinger
Sue, D. W. (2015). Race talk and the conspiracy of silence. Wiley
Tummala-Narra, P. (2016) Psychoanalytic theory and cultural competence in psychotherapy. APA
Wu, F. H. (2002). Yellow: Race in America beyond Black and white. New York, NY: Basic Books.
Online Articles
Ross, L. (2015). Fighting white supremacy and white privilege to build a human rights movement. Understanding & Dismantling Privilege, 6(1), 1-11. Retrieved from: http://www.wpcjournal.com/article/view/16080/pdf
Natasha Stovall (2019) Whiteness on the Couch. https://longreads.com/2019/08/12/whiteness-on-the-couch/
Comas-Diaz, L, and Jacobsen, F. M (1991), Ethnocultural transference and countertransference in the therapeutic dyad. Amer. J Orthopsychiatry 61(3), 392-402
Holmes, D. (2016). Culturally imposed trauma: The sleeping dog has awakened. Will psychoanalysis take heed? Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 26(6), 641-654.
Sue, Alsaidi, Awad, Glaeser, Calle, and Mendez (2019). Disarming Racial Microaggressions: Micro intervention Strategies for Targets, White Allies, and Bystanders. American Psychologist Vol. 74, No. 1, 128–142
See too the entire January 2019 issue of American Psychologist
Tang, N. (1999). Race, Culture and Psychotherapy: Transference to minority therapists. Psychoanalytic Quarterly LXVIII pp 1-21
Tummala-Narra, P. (2004). Dynamics of race and culture in the supervisory encounter. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 21, 300-311.