The President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the association. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Executive Committee, and shall serve ex-officio on all standing committees. It is the responsibility of the President to select and appoint committee chairs with approval of the Executive Committee. She or he shall represent the Association to the community-at-large and various professional organizations.

Vice President
The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the latter. The Vice President shall exercise responsibility for implementation of the Association’s continuing education programs and is acting head of the Continuing Education Committee. Programs subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

The Secretary shall keep a written record of general meetings of members and of the Executive Committee, and shall be the custodian of all association records except those of the Ethics Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for communications of the Association and is acting head of the Membership Committee.

The Treasurer shall be custodian of all association funds. The Treasurer shall be responsible for managing the financial affairs of the association, disbursement of funds, recording transactions, and reporting to the Executive Committee as requested.

Immediate Past-President
The Immediate Past-President shall serve as Chair of the Elections Committee. The immediate Past-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President. The Immediate Past-President shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and provide continuity and advice to the other Officers.